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PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:00 pm  Reply with quote
Museum Curator

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I think most of the kids on HC have their sentiments echoed by Malia Obama.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:58 am  Reply with quote

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Hah, she speaks for me too. . . not that I watch much TV, but when I do, I'm often sick of seeing the same so-called "news" over and over again, or at least the same people on the news. I personally could NOT care less, LOL.

Just my 2 cents Smile


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:42 am  Reply with quote
Museum Curator

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338 of the almighty electoral votes for O at last count.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:51 am  Reply with quote

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I tell you one thing I don't get - probably because I don't watch enough TV. But what's with all the donkey jokes? Did one of the guys running look or laugh like a donkey or something? Smile

Congrats to Obama tho. I kinda hoped he'd win. (not that I have any idea why - maybe I just thought it would be cool to have a black president or something).


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:04 pm  Reply with quote
Heelys Encyclopedia

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The democratic party's animal is the donkey.
The republicans is the elephant.



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PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:24 am  Reply with quote

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seth1230™ wrote:
The democratic party's animal is the donkey.
The republicans is the elephant.
Ah, I see! Thanks seth Smile


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:25 pm  Reply with quote
Museum Curator

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Apparently some idiot parents are pulling their kids from school on 9/9/09 because our President is giving a speech to the public schools on that day.

Quick quiz! What happens when parents don't want their kids to see something? Someone? Anyone?

Barack couldn't have a better youth ad campaign if he tried.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:53 pm  Reply with quote

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This sounds like something my idiot parents would have done. I had a VERY uncomfortable phone call from the 'rents a few months ago. It went down something like this:

Dad: Your mother and I went TeaBagging today.
Dad: We're doing it for your own good, to protect you from the evil regime YOU voted for.
Me: Do you know what that means?
Dad: Yes, we are protesting taxation with out representation by throwing away teabags, you know, like the Boston Tea Party.
Me: Google it Dad.
Dad: It's all American. TRUE Americans are TeaBagging to protest this new regime's socialist policy
Me: Brick wall Just google it ::hangs up::

Sometimes I can't believe I'm related to those people. I"ll be interested to see what the phone yields on 9/9/09.....


Thu 21:53] wondercheese: we weren't trying to cause damage, and we DID pay for the broken lotion!
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:14 pm  Reply with quote
Heelys Encyclopedia

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I heard about teabagging...

*Second part removed for inapropriateness.*


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:52 pm  Reply with quote
Museum Curator

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I'm pretty sure forcing people to pay health insurance companies is unconstitutional, and I'm not fond of everything the Dems are allowing to happen in this latest health care bill.

However, I'm still very, very glad Obama won, BECAUSE THIS WAS THE ALTERNATIVE.


A retarded five year old wrote:
Earth saw clmate chnge4 ions;will cont 2 c chnges.R duty2responsbly devlop resorces4humankind/not pollute&destroy;but cant alter naturl chng

A monkey randomly hitting keys wrote:
Upon rtn2 AK glad2hear Legislr fights Fed's"Endangered Species Act"listing w/all-out effort!Fed's efforts 2 stymie r devlpmnt is unaccptable

(Yes, I know, just the VP. McCain's still old.)

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:33 pm  Reply with quote
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Obama's latest tax bullshit in which he bows down to Republicans is really getting on my fucking nerves.

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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:02 am  Reply with quote
Museum Curator

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Okay, folks, it's silly season yet again.

Fortunately, this year the choice is really easy; while Obama has a habit of hiring the wrong people (e.g. Geithner) to manage the banks, and he has a worse habit of trying to clamp down on any and all whistleblowing, he's not an evil fucker like Romney.

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PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:27 pm  Reply with quote

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tbh I haven't really paid much attention lately, I stopped caring maybe 3 months ago. No good choices. I would vote for someone if they focused more on actually talking about plans instead of saying how much better they are than the competition. Like seriously, stop telling me how good you are and instead let me decide by saying your plans. All I see is them bashing each other.
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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 8:28 pm  Reply with quote

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Sad that the almight O might have actually got something accomplished if it wasn't for all the hard line bi-partisanism going on during the last term.

BTW... I was talking about Obama, not Oprah.

But here in VA, we have more serious issues going on. There is a debate on extending Light Rail into VB. It would create jobs, open more land up for development, and extend a great public transport system already in place in Norfolk >> BUT it is going to cost a fortune and we are cutting so many state/city jobs and the Fed is only going to kick in so much $$. I'm on the fence.

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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 1:25 pm  Reply with quote
Museum Curator

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Money spent on local projects, assuming that it is spent wisely, tends to go back into the local economy.

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