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Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:48 am
Joined: 15 Jun 2008
Posts: 1391
Location: UK
Nope, that's not a typo, or even one of the wacky British spelling variants I sometimes like to throw at you. I mean busyness as in the state of being busy.
I'm just posting because I wanted to let you fine people know that although I haven't been doing my usual constant manic posting, I am still very interested in Heelys and think about them a lot (whether it be in hopes of finding more ways of doing tricks, or experimenting with different kinds of wheels, or just realising how there's still SO much more for me to learn about Heelys and heel-skating in general), so there is most likely a lot more heeling-related stuff I can share with you fine fellows, but I don't always get time to share it, so assuming the forum's still here to share it on in the future, you will undoubtedly see more of the usual from me: crazy ideas, crazy wheels, and just plain crazy ME
In fact the past couple of days I've been tinkering in the machine shop again, with lathes and mills and all that jazz, custom making wheels, and making jigs to improve the process etc.
I must apologise that (as AMN rightly pointed out) so far my wheels have only been one-offs / prototypes, and as such, given the high setup costs and lack of cheap mass production process, are not something which are value for money at the moment. Maybe one day I will be able to look at a cheaper way of mass producing some of the wheels I make, but I figure I'm best to perfect the prototype first before making a ton of copies - if I ever DO make a finished product, which can be mass produced, it would benefit from that patience. Plus, of course, I realise how limited my knowledge of heeling still is, and even each new trick I learn gives me more ideas that I'd like to incorporate into the next design of wheel. . . so again, sadly I can't promise anything, and don't want to get anyone's hopes up, because they might be disappointed.
One of the problems preventing this (the mass production of cheap, but improved wheels to fit heelys wheel-bays) is me, i.e., the way I am. You see, when you get right down to it, like any human being, I enjoy being happy, and generally, I am, very much so. I fully realise that in life this is often a rare gift. But of course like everything in life it also has a downside (believe it or not): since I AM already happy most of the time, I lack the driving force, the motivation, to do some of the things that other people work hard at. Sometimes I'm not "ambitious" by most people's standards. You could say, in a sense, being happy makes me lazy. It might affect other people the opposite way, but that's how my "hypomania" affects me. And that's why I haven't put in the time and effort it might take to find a way to mass produce my wheels so that I can bring them to you at a reasonable price. . . and why I can't promise to do so: with me being ME - I might never have the drive to get off my ass and do it, since I'm already happy as I am. BUT, rest-assured, if I ever DO get off my ass and make my first AFFORDABLE custom wheels (or any other custom heelys kit) you guys and my other close friends would most likely be the first to know. Unless of course I got all mercenary and then I wouldn't want people stealing my idea and making money off of it LOL - just kidding. In truth one benefit of my "lack of drive" is that even though I know I COULD make a more money various ways if I put my mind to it, I usually don't see any need to, after all, as long as I HAVE just enough to be happy, why bother?
As you already know if you know me, I could go on forever (and usually do LOL), but it's pretty much circular - just wanted to explain who I am - where I'm coming from, so that if anyone IS a bit miffed (and probably with every right to be) that so far I've primarily only made wheels for myself (and the odd very close friend), they might understand why this is?
Everyone's different (which is part of the joy of life) but this is me, and I just wanted to say I'm most likely here to stay - providing the forum remains? That's another thing I was wanting to ask btw: Slice, will this forum (as far as you currently know?) be here to stay? Feel free to answer in a PM if you like/need. I understand and appreciate that (like my wheels) this forum is something you like to do for your own reasons - call it a pet project - so I can't expect you to provide this place forever if it no longer fits your goals, just as I hope people may understand why I haven't yet gotten round to making some proper "distributable" wheels, as our good friend Merlyn kindly did. But I do like this place, so yeah I would like to see Heelychat survive as long as possible.
I realise that I've only been here a short time so maybe it ebbs and flows, with more people coming in one year (perhaps due to a film or other good publicity for Heelys) and less people the next, but at the mo HC seems to be a little quieter and smaller a place. That's not necessarily a bad thing: like with a small business that can give a more family-like atmosphere, and big places can sometimes get too "corporate" and. . . what's the right word? "Full of shit" most likely is the correct term for some big businesses LOL, (although not quite the officially recognised corporate term ), as people who have worked for some (fortunately not all) big businesses will know LOL.
So yeah, I don't want to see HC become huge and like some corporation, but personally I don't want it to dwindle to nothing either. Of course it's not up to me, since Slicer is the one who puts his time and effort into maintaining it, it's entirely up to Slicer of course, and maybe I am only seeing a seasonal thing and HC won't disappear through lack of members, as I say I've not been here long enough to know, but yeah I would rather see HC survive, so if there is perhaps something we members could do that would help that, like maybe spread the word more (I always tell people I meet when out heeling about the place, sadly few seem to find the time to join) but yeah, I still think some publicity for HC could be a good thing right now? If nobody else is interested that's fine by me, I can fully appreciate that not everyone has the same goals that I do, but I still think there are some simple things we can do that might help, like the designing a pic that could go on a t-shirt or something like that - because a lot of people who see me heeling might be interested to know and yet not brave enough to stop me and say "Hey, Where did you learn that!?!"
Meh, I fully realise that I mentioned this before a few months back, and I never finished it - partly because (despite Emma's kindness in donating her own graphic) I never really found a graphic I liked or thought was quite right, and partly because, as I readily admit that like anyone, I can be lazy sometimes. . . so I didn't end up getting a graphic I liked enough to get a shirt printed yet, but even if nobody else does, I probably will get round to it (eventually). Maybe I'll make a new thread on it some time, in hopes someone will be a better artist than me (I know that's not one of my strong points) and maybe it can be a collaboration? Whatever, I'm just voicing some ideas I guess, and this is all (as our good friend Merlyn would say) "just my 2 cents" so if I said anything above that anyone disagrees with feel free to let me know and I'll do my best to explain what I mean and listen to your side of it. (when I get a chance)
Despite the length of this post, I really am very busy lately so I will get back to fiddling with some wheels, and I won't even bother to check and recheck the spelling and grammar as I usually do (at least not maybe till later) so if you find any errors please forgive them
Merrie over and out  |
Last edited by Merrie_England on Sun Apr 26, 2009 4:11 am; edited 1 time in total _________________
"The best part of falling is getting back up again"  |
Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:48 am
Museum Curator
Joined: 29 Jul 2006
Posts: 1475
Location: Central North Dakota, aka The Middle of Nowhere
I seriously almost just typed "tl;dr" here.
The Cliff's Notes Version wrote: | I'm busy.
I can't make a lot of custom wheels yet.
I'm trying, though.
But it's hard, and I can't promise anything.
Also, I'm lazy.
Except when it comes to massive tl;dr posts on Heelychat.
I like HC.
It's kind of small, though.
I want to see it stick around, can I "publicize" it?
I or somebody might make shirts.
I'm still busy.
Bye. |
Yes, ME, you can publicize all you like. Shirts are great. Do NOT spam the Internet, though- it attracts the wrong sort of attention and never, ever works. |
_________________ Community: We want new Megas!
a finger on the monkey's paw curls: we get them, and they're hideous |
Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:39 am
Joined: 15 Jun 2008
Posts: 1391
Location: UK
LOL, nah, I'm not a spammer, except for the long posts if they count? LOL
Thanks for the shortening of the post for me. And thanks for giving the thumbs up to any publicising effort that may or may not result.
Right... I'm off to post a little post about the wheels I was prattling on about earlier - check back in a mo and I should have it on YT and HC.
edit: the wheels that I was working on making whilst I wrote the above, and which partly inspired the above, are now posted here. |
"The best part of falling is getting back up again"  |
Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:32 pm
Joined: 04 Dec 2007
Posts: 1067
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Thanks Slice. I've been having the worse day I could have possibly had all month, and reading that made me cry laughing. Like seriously, I am laughing hard.
Now, as Merrie was saying, for those old enough to own your own car, one thing I have is a vinyl decal for my rear window. It's just plain letters and white, but it says Simple enough. I have yet to put it on due to the weird weather, but it is made and when I wash my car next it will be on.
I figured I would do it this way so I would have CURIOUS people come to the site. The reason I would be against Shirts, Signs, etc is because it would attract the wrong crowd. I might have someone who dislikes Heelys see me skating in the shirt, then come here to spam versus I'm at the Race Track and someone sees the logo there and is curious to check it out (may not even know what Heelys are, but will check it out for the Hell of it). That would be the only reason why I am against displaying publically the site I like going to.
Don't get me wrong, I wear my Heelys proud, I just don't want to expose you guys for people who can't get over themselves.
Which is another thing I am going to comment on real quick. When ME stated that the site is getting smaller, though this is true, it is members are here to stay (the ones that have been here a great while). Unlike most other forums there are just a handfull of hardcore posters who actually care about the topic at hand and won't reply with "Lol" or "GTFO" as their only response. And for being a site deticated to shoes which were aimed at sugar high Pre-HS kids, it seems to be doing OK.
The one thing is that Heelys are a fad for most people. They will come to HC because it is common for what they do, and slowly but surely they go and find something else. Its gonna happen. Look at Emma, HT, and Merlyn just to name three guys since I've been doing it. Unfortunately there has always been someone else to take their place (like ME for example) that has been an active member. But as the idea of Heelys dwindle down, so will the people who are replacing them.
So yeah, HC will dwindle down, but I think it will stay with the comfortable level of just a few members and be OK, because the members who have stayed are the true Heelys fan that can put up with the other members of the site. (And no, I am not "Lol"ing or smiling, if you don't like it, jump in to a wall) |
_________________ Shoes - Atomic, Rail, Fury, Grind This, Evolution x2, and Evolution
Favorite Tricks – Frontside, Footy Stall, and Footy |
Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:16 pm
Shark Bait
Joined: 30 Jun 2007
Posts: 1380
Location: Hmm, idk.
You guys talk too much, lol. |
260,300 Ghetto Points.
Heelytrickster: Slicer...what state are you in ?
Slicer: Annoyance, with a daily commute through Confusion to Denial
XxHeelyZxX: i think he meant where u live not mind of state xD
heelysutah: hey ppl what is the hardest trick to you
Heely Hailey: bloodstain grind on an 89ft halfpipe, and then drop back in bloodstain
heelysutah: geez hailey |
Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:13 am
Joined: 15 Jun 2008
Posts: 1391
Location: UK
HeelyTrickster wrote: | You guys talk too much, lol. |
Hehe yeah, can't speak for anyone else but I admit that I talk a lot, and in real life, I talk very fast too - If I'm talking to someone who's not known me long I often have to consciously slow my speech so that they can understand it. I think the problem is that I think too fast too. . . so I have so much to say, that if I don't spit it all out I feel like my head's going to explode LOL.
My friends have all gotten used to the way I think and talk of course, so now they (like me) are (to use a computing analogy) operating on a higher baud rate LOL. It sounds like I'm bragging which I don't mean to do, because I am well aware that would make me sound conceited, but yep, that's me: H4L is definitely right: I talk too much. Guilty as charged I'm afraid.
IVI4V3R1CK wrote: | Don't get me wrong, I wear my Heelys proud, I just don't want to expose you guys for people who can't get over themselves. | I see your point, although I guess it wouldn't matter if those people did come here to be haters: the solution is simple and easy: one free click of the Ban Hammer for each of them, no? Sure, if the number's of haters actually bothering to come to the site was huge, it might be a bit of a hassle, but all we'd need then is a few more ban-capable mods to keep banning them? (but I doubt that would even be necessary)
To some extent, I believe it's true that "any publicity is good publicity." In fact, me being me, I'm often contrary by nature, and I remember before I bought my first heelys reading an article about how they were supposedly "harmful to health" and all that crap: in my case (and probably many others), it made me more likely to buy them LOL. |
"The best part of falling is getting back up again"  |